Friday, November 30, 2012

Adjusted Support Letter

Here is an adjusted version of my support letter. Please understand that these minor changes have been made to be Internet-smart and not give out dates, names, etc.

Chaplain Ministries International
Mission Project— Peru 2013

Dear Blog Friends,

Beginning my junior year in high school has made some big changes in my life. After turning 16, and now nearly 17 years old, the future seems pressingly closer and God has given me wisdom on an excellent career to pursue: becoming a wife and mother after God's heart. As my eyes and ears are being awakened more and more to the Bible, Jesus' command to be his hands and feet, given 2,000 years ago, has become significant and a calling to me specifically these last few years of my life. My calling as a woman to be a helper/companion and nurture the next generation has taken wing, and God has graciously provided many opportunities to use my gifts in various places such as volunteering at Bible camp, vacation Bible school, writing children's books, and babysitting.

After my 12-year-old brother Trent died on a skiing accident in 2010, God has awakened me to the reality of eternity and the closeness of it. Separately added after this post is a more detailed story about this great event in my life. One of the chances that God has given me to be a witness to the gospel of my Savior, Jesus Christ, is a short-term mission trip to Peru coming up next summer organized by Chaplain Ministries. The plan is to act as ambassadors of our God to victims of an earthquake in 2007, which left devastation still unchecked today. Our team of six seeks to glorify God by being a light to the world, and in so doing cause his children to grow closer to him and trust him more, as well as strengthen our own faith. Possibilities of specific work we will be doing in Peru will be helping in orphanages, building and fixing structures, and volunteering in vacation Bible school. Only after much prayer and consideration did I commit to join this mission team, and it is still amazing to me how God worked out the details for me to join even through the slim chances!

The needs my team and I have are two specifically: prayer! We need faithful prayer partners from God who will commit to praying for us at least once a week, asking God to work in the lives of the people we will be witnessing to, each of the members of the team for growth in faith and help to minister to others, and the long-term missionaries in Peru. And our other need: financial partners. I am trusting God to provide my financial needs of $3,000. As Paul encouraged in Philippians 4:15-17, he hoped for others to give to further the gospel for their sake of rich Heavenly rewards from God their Father. I look forward to both the prayer and financial partners whom God will provide to further his kingdom, assist me in bringing the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ abroad, and receive blessings in the next life themselves! Would you prayerfully consider partnering with me for the sake of God's eternal glory?

For God's glory,


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